Sunday, June 14, 2015

My Fish and Finisher's Jacket

Well, I survived week one of summer break and our kid's first swim meet.  This week will hopefully be a bit less crazy.  On the checklist for the week: VBS with lots of friends, a Swim meet, swim team practice, flag football practice, and lots of call at work.  Ok, so maybe not an easy week.  I am already looking forward to next weekend celebrating Father's Day and being off of work!

Cooper competing with backstroke (his new favorite)

Kinnick reaching long during the relay team
All of this fitness motivated me to change from my flip flops into my running shoes.  Wow!  I am not in shape!  I will stay positive while thinking about running a half marathon in a few months and my second full marathon next winter.  And check out this incentive out!  After completing a lively 26.2 miles I get to walk away with an amazing jacket.  Hopefully, I will be with praise after a sub 5 hour time versus my initial full marathon well over 5 hours (including a roller coaster ride, pictures with Disney characters, and lots of bio-gel stops for my brother).   I will be wearing that jacket with pride!

Lastly, I am loving my pebble smartwatch.  You can check it out here:
On this watch you can add apps to fit your lifestyle.  I enjoy Runkeeper, twistie (for taking pictures), and Misfit.  The app below is from Misfit; tracking my daily steps, activities, and sleep.  What a terrible night of sleep!  I did get a full 8 hours but not very restful.  Next up, in my spare time, I'll have to check out how fall and stay into a deep sleep.  As for now cutting back on Monster Energy drinks might do the trick. 

Sunday, June 7, 2015

National Running Day

It's officially summer!!!  No more party planning... 5 parties in the matter of a month can be a bit stressful.  We (my kids) still stayed busy this week with starting practicing for swim team and flag football.  Lets just say I'm already getting a great summer tan! I loved matching my daughter, Kinnick, at church today!  #Lillyfortarget

We also matched yesterday with similar ponytails! After her dance recital we celebrated by going out to eat for brunch.  The hostess and lots of the waitresses commented on how pretty Kinnick was since she was still in her costume, makeup, and curly hair. (Hey, she only wears that costume for one day so she should wear it the whole day!)  Kinnick quickly commented with, "Thank you!"  And with a flip of her pony she giggle, "My hair is fake!"  Just as quick the hostess responded with, "Oh, sweetie!  So is MINE!  She went there!  And so did I!"  We were rolling!!!

Enough about being Kooky!  I know this blog is about running so let me try to get on topic... Running!  Last Wednesday was National Running Day!  Did you run?  I was browsing Facebook Tuesday night and found out that there was an organized run at Cooper Aerobics in less than 7 hours very close to our house.  I quickly messaged my favorite running partner, Judith, to see if she was interested in joining in on the fun.  She was!  And we did!  Starting at 5:30am, we completed a quick 3.1 miles followed by some yummy pancakes.  We didn't even plan to wear the same color!

Throughout the day I was tempted with all of the National Running Day race deals.  You know I love a great sale!  So I'm registered for my second FULL marathon.  I still can't believe it!  Next February, we are traveling to New Orleans for the Rock 'n Roll Marathon Run.  My racing calendar is slowly filling back up and now I need to focus on my training calendar!  Anyone want to join me for a run?

July 4th Red, White, and Blue Run
July 18th  Hawaiian Falls 5k
November 14th Captain America 10k
November 15th Disney Avengers Half Marathon
February 28th (2016) New Orleans Rock'n Roll Full Marathon

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Happy Half New Years!!!

Okay, here I go!  I have taken a break from too many things in my life and I need to get back onto track!  Where do you start on your "to do list" when everything needs to happen, like, now?!?!  It's June 2nd and it seems as the past couple years I have reflected on June 1st as an excellent "Ready, Set, Go!" date.  Already half way through 2015 and where are my new year's resolutions?  Ut-oh...

For the remainder of 2015 I want to just be. Be a good mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend... Be a better follower of Christ. Be content (this has been an ongoing prayer request and it's working).  Be healthy. What's your list?

By the time 2016 rings in: I will have finished a half marathon with Kooken (more about that soon)! Celebrating Christmas, New Years, and Christmas break with a 1st grader and my last preschooler. Visiting Iowa more.

I originally started this blog to spread my love for running.  I haven't been running... Let alone working out!  So help me please! I'm going to keep writing more and more to help with my accountability.  My mumbles of writing will be unfiltered, honest, funny, and hopefully relatable.  I'm not the only kooky mama around Frisco/McKinney! Enjoy the reading! :)