Monday, March 10, 2014

Spring Break Starts

My spring break started off with a yummy chocolate Shakeology at 5am giving me enough energy to finish my night shift at the hospital and start the day as mom.  I started "the list!" You know the list of things to do for the day and ideally during spring break.  We started by rearranging furniture in my daughter's room while pleading her throw away some of her preschool hoarding unneeded treasures.  Success and check! We filled 4 bags and 2 boxes of toys, shoes, and clothes.  Then we had a well needed break. I drifted off into a nap while the kids "played" upstairs.  What do your kids like to play? House, Legos, video games? My kids enjoy makeover :) I walked upstairs and was greeted by Cooper and his new haircut!!!  I guess last week's sharpie marker to the face was okay.  Urg! It's hair and it grows back, right?!?!  Next, we started a little craft, look at our shamrocks:


All was great until the toilet paper roll paintbrush rolled onto the floor with green paint and all!  Seriously all of this before lunch.  The kids enjoyed a picnic lunch consisting of PB&J, fruit, and pirate booty on the coffee table watching cartoons.  After our indoor picnic we headed outside into almost 80 degree temperatures.  Kinnick and Cooper loved time at the park especially with friends from the neighborhood!  Yes, picture #2 bull riding the toucan shows off his "haircut!"


I finished my day with my 30 minute cardio workout from #21dayfix.  I could barely walk upstairs to blog tonight, but it's a good burn working towards some awesome results.

What do you have on "the list" for spring break?

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