As of this morning I'm officially a Triathlete!! Completing a triathlon has been on my To Do list for awhile but the whole "not knowing how to swim" kinda put a dark cloud over registering for a race. It's crazy how much I can be motivated from other people and they probably don't even know that they have motivated me!
I consider myself a runner- 5k, 10k, 15k, half marathons and that one full marathon that was just so much fun- right Taylor McPherson?! Judith Spriggs was also a runner but after I did my Disney fun 26.2 miles, but she did a legit 26.2 and didn't stop. This amazing mom started bike riding. I even told her I didn't like bikers... although secretly I was motivated especially after she worked her butt off and completed a half Iron Man! What?!
Run, Bike, and then there was the swim motivation... who would have thought that two little kids could be so motivating. For three summers Kinnick and Cooper (
I registered and trained. This morning I was still scared of swimming, biking, and also running after biking. I want to write a complete post about training and race day but I'm so excited to share my accomplishment! Here are some of the pictures from today... more posts to come soon!
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