Friday, July 25, 2014

Just keep Swimming... Wait, what?

It has been a CRAZY month- especially the past two weeks!  Our family is in complete summer mode... Road trips, swim lessons, and lots of family time.  I have also been putting more onto my plate therefore running has been on the back burner (literally, every time I go for a run I'm burning!)

Last weekend we tackled Chicago!  I ran the Chicago Rock n Roll marathon series 5k on Saturday and half marathon on Sunday.  Oh wait, there's more!  We explored the city on Saturday afternoon by foot, logging over 13 miles towards my "Beat The Heat" half marathon virtual race through Jost running.  Not only did we walk off our Chicago deep dish pizza, saved on cab fees, and collected bling.  SCORE!  But coming off my running excitement left me tired and sore :(


All week passed by with my running shoes sitting at the front door waiting for me.  I did try to swim, but Kinnick and Cooper can swim better than me- although it's quite the cardio workout!  This morning I actually told my husband that I'm thinking about retiring from "running."  An hour later I was putting on my new Lululemon workout top and heading towards the gym.  Wow!  My Newton running shoes are just getting warmed up and ARE NOT heading into retirement.

My run this morning was on a quarter mile track (in the Texas sun) outside at the gym.  I did 4 min run/1 min walk intervals for most of the 3 miles and it was amazing.  Through out the workout I listened to music, prayed, and just took MY time.  I remembered what I loved about running- not the next race I was registered for or my slower pace, but MY time by myself!  Do you all enjoy that too?

So what do you or who do you run for?
I run for:
myself- to be a better mom/wife
to pray/worship
to eat (run to eat/eat to run)
enjoyment of my environment

Next on my plate:  Bible study, Girl scout leader orientation, Creating preschool curriculum, Jury Duty, etc... How many days until Kindergarten and then Disneyland?  :)