Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Rock 'n Roll Half Marathon Dallas Recap

What a weekend!  I did it though and have an amazing medal to prove it!  I'll start with being spoiled and taking packet pick up at Run On! for granted.  The RnR expo was in Downtown Dallas but it was worth the drive (Kinnick had lots of fun).
Sunday I ran in the Dallas Rock 'n Roll Half Marathon.  During the training for my full marathon back in January, I logged many miles following the runDisney/Galloway schedule.  I remember running 8-10 miles and finally feeling like a runner.  With that said, I learned more about running during this race than all of my marathon training.

  • Just because you ran 26.2 miles 2 months ago, without maintenance running 13.1 will hurt and be HARD!  Then you will also hurt the next day.  And the next!
  • There is something about eating and you diet!  I have been devouring processed foods and I'm paying the price. PS make sure to eat SOMETHING before any run besides coffee!
  • Riding on the DART isn't that bad.  Thank you to MRTT for such an amazing group of moms sharing experiences and new friendships!
  • Stress and Sleep play a HUGE factor in training and racing!
  • Don't go to work after running 13.66 miles!
  • 13.66? Yes! Lastly, don't weave!  I started too far back in my coral, surrounded by slower runner/walkers, and weaved to take pictures resulting in running an extra half mile!

I had lots of fun even though I am not excited about my finishing time.  I did keep my goal of 10 minute miles, but just for 13.66 miles.  The RnR medal is gorgeous!  While registering for this race I had the opportunity to register for three half's at basically buy 2 get 1 free and you all know I like a "sale!"  So I am already planning my next two RnR half's--- probably Chicago and San Antonio.  Anyone want to join me and we can properly train for the next one ?!  I am now out for a sub 2hr PR and with motivation I know that it can be done!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Walking Kooky

I feel like this week was in slow motion.  Let me just spill the beans.  Thank goodness my coworker, Suzette, who offered to work my Sunday night shift allowing me to function on Monday.  My daughter was so excited to get back to school and see her friends after a spring break; I was excited to run!  It was a windy St. Patrick's Day so I turned up my new play list and hit the treadmill.  Little did I know that was going to be my last run before tackling a half marathon this weekend.  Tuesday we were so excited for Frozen that we missed dance class and headed to Grapevine Mills Disney Store.  Gigi and Papa Texas met us for dinner and a little shopping!

On Wednesday it was career day in my daughter's class at Kidz World preschool.  I had the opportunity to talk about xrays and working in a hospital.  Kinnick insisted on dressing up as a "Pop Star!"
Then it was mommy and Cooper time!  We went to the veterinarian to find out why our dog, Miles, has been acting different.  Diabetes with insulin injections twice a day!  Poor Miles.  Then a couple hours later my smiley faced little Cooper turned into a low grade fever, cuddle bug.  
I really wanted to take him to the pediatrician then and there, but I waited to see if it was a bug.  Wednesday night his fever spiked to over 101.  A quick visit to the doctor confirmed strep throat.  Meanwhile, Thursday at school Kinnick turned in extra bonus point coins for treasure!
 The real treasure was Ms. Angie picking Kinnick up from school and having an impromptu play date with Ben.  She had a blast at the park and playing with walkie talkies.
So now it's Friday!  Whew!  Cooper goes from "rush me to the Urgent Care" to a rambunctious three year old with ibuprofen.  He loves checking out the old school viewfinders of Smurfs, Muppet's and Disneyland!  Thanks Gigi and Papa Iowa for passing on the "vintage" toys!
Sunday I will be rocking the Dallas Rock 'n Roll half marathon with a bruised big toe and inadequate training.  Monday starts a new training plan--- who is joining me ?!?!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Getting back on track

This morning I ran 6 miles and it felt amazing!  I was in a rut and feeling yucky about my body imagine, in my head, and the way I was as a mom/wife.  It's crazy that just one little run could change all of these things.  Do you all have days or activities like this?  Running is almost (I said almost) as a daily necessity as coffee.  Kinnick knows that nothing is happening before mama gets her second cup of coffee.  I almost went a straight week without a run... probably not ideal when you are registered to run a half marathon in less than a week.  I will be rocking and rolling through Dallas on Sunday listening to good music and not focusing on a PR.
Rock 'n' Roll dal
Speaking of music.  With my spare time at home last week during spring break I compiled a new half marathon playlist.  Here is what I'm listening to now:

I couldn't wait to run my new playlist and songs this morning.  I was in a zone, minding my own business with a packed gym "running" around me.  There is a huge difference in the amount of people and types of people that workout at 9:30am vs 3pm vs 5pm.  Everyone there this morning was already in shape!  Very intimidating.  So I did what all people do when running intimidated on the treadmill do... Not only crank up my tunes and dance while running, BUT record it to prove! :)  "Let it Go!" came on and I was on!  I am not trying to be cheesy but I literally let it all go, didn't care about the guy next to me racing me, not a worry about the size 4 girl in front of me, and I might have danced to more than one song.  Before I knew it 6 miles were done!


Monday, March 10, 2014

Spring Break Starts

My spring break started off with a yummy chocolate Shakeology at 5am giving me enough energy to finish my night shift at the hospital and start the day as mom.  I started "the list!" You know the list of things to do for the day and ideally during spring break.  We started by rearranging furniture in my daughter's room while pleading her throw away some of her preschool hoarding unneeded treasures.  Success and check! We filled 4 bags and 2 boxes of toys, shoes, and clothes.  Then we had a well needed break. I drifted off into a nap while the kids "played" upstairs.  What do your kids like to play? House, Legos, video games? My kids enjoy makeover :) I walked upstairs and was greeted by Cooper and his new haircut!!!  I guess last week's sharpie marker to the face was okay.  Urg! It's hair and it grows back, right?!?!  Next, we started a little craft, look at our shamrocks:


All was great until the toilet paper roll paintbrush rolled onto the floor with green paint and all!  Seriously all of this before lunch.  The kids enjoyed a picnic lunch consisting of PB&J, fruit, and pirate booty on the coffee table watching cartoons.  After our indoor picnic we headed outside into almost 80 degree temperatures.  Kinnick and Cooper loved time at the park especially with friends from the neighborhood!  Yes, picture #2 bull riding the toucan shows off his "haircut!"


I finished my day with my 30 minute cardio workout from #21dayfix.  I could barely walk upstairs to blog tonight, but it's a good burn working towards some awesome results.

What do you have on "the list" for spring break?

Monday, March 3, 2014

Just the start of the month

I ended last week by helping out our radiology department at the hospital (and making some extra money), but that ment having my two kids "watched" by my work at home husband :)  I also signed up to be a  Beach Body coach and rep for Shakeology- I can't wait to start this adventure!
After work  I walked in the door to find every toy in the playroom scattered around upstairs, my five year old with makeup on (in her hair), and war paint (aka sharpie marker) on my son's face.  My husband was doubled over with abdomen pain, something he has had for two weeks, but it was worse.  He quickly left the house and his wait in the emergency room started.  The kids and I enjoyed soccer practice, playing at the park, and subway before heading to the hospital. The results of his cat scan showed an abdominal infection and he was to be admitted into the hospital.
 Saturday morning I was "single mom" getting to the soccer fields with two kids dressed and ready (marker face and all) for pictures.  I'm coach of my son's team and I love my little Hawkeyes. Thank goodness for my daughter's amazing soccer team/family- she stayed with them while Cooper and I headed to his/our game. Then we were at Kinnick's game and followed up with checking in with my husband at the hospital.

My husband was scheduled for surgery around 12:30 that turned into 2 to 4 to finally 6pm.  He was sleepy the rest of the night, kids slept over with Kyron's parents, and I was off to work.  Sunday was a huge blur of sleep, eating, Kyron recovering, thundersleeting, and then back to work.  I was determined to get through the next 12 hours and have this weekend behind us.

After a 45 minute ice skating trip home in the car I met my father in law for a quick handoff of the kids.  We came inside to a pile of dog poo and that annoying beep from a smoke alarm that ONLY goes off during times like these!  So I drag in the little giant ladder to only drop it on my foot/big toe. Boom! Seriously?!?!
My case of the Mondays only went uphill from then :) Kyron is recovering and my kids behaved got along. We enjoyed our ice day afternoon with friends and drive thru for dinner.

Wow. That's one weekend that I would prefer not to do again!

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds. James 1:2