Monday, March 3, 2014

Just the start of the month

I ended last week by helping out our radiology department at the hospital (and making some extra money), but that ment having my two kids "watched" by my work at home husband :)  I also signed up to be a  Beach Body coach and rep for Shakeology- I can't wait to start this adventure!
After work  I walked in the door to find every toy in the playroom scattered around upstairs, my five year old with makeup on (in her hair), and war paint (aka sharpie marker) on my son's face.  My husband was doubled over with abdomen pain, something he has had for two weeks, but it was worse.  He quickly left the house and his wait in the emergency room started.  The kids and I enjoyed soccer practice, playing at the park, and subway before heading to the hospital. The results of his cat scan showed an abdominal infection and he was to be admitted into the hospital.
 Saturday morning I was "single mom" getting to the soccer fields with two kids dressed and ready (marker face and all) for pictures.  I'm coach of my son's team and I love my little Hawkeyes. Thank goodness for my daughter's amazing soccer team/family- she stayed with them while Cooper and I headed to his/our game. Then we were at Kinnick's game and followed up with checking in with my husband at the hospital.

My husband was scheduled for surgery around 12:30 that turned into 2 to 4 to finally 6pm.  He was sleepy the rest of the night, kids slept over with Kyron's parents, and I was off to work.  Sunday was a huge blur of sleep, eating, Kyron recovering, thundersleeting, and then back to work.  I was determined to get through the next 12 hours and have this weekend behind us.

After a 45 minute ice skating trip home in the car I met my father in law for a quick handoff of the kids.  We came inside to a pile of dog poo and that annoying beep from a smoke alarm that ONLY goes off during times like these!  So I drag in the little giant ladder to only drop it on my foot/big toe. Boom! Seriously?!?!
My case of the Mondays only went uphill from then :) Kyron is recovering and my kids behaved got along. We enjoyed our ice day afternoon with friends and drive thru for dinner.

Wow. That's one weekend that I would prefer not to do again!

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds. James 1:2

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