Thursday, March 5, 2015

To Do Lists and Not To Do Lists

Well looky there... I wanted to blog regularly and then life happens.  Since my last post our family rang in the new year and headed into 2015 healthy and happy.  Social media makes it real easy for you talk yourself into commitments... January 1st I really thought that with the help of two other runners we could conquer 2,015 miles (672 miles each).  Then flu bug made its rotation through our house and I was hit hard.  Last month I barely ran out of the house let alone around the block.  I was feeling the loss of running physically and mentally.  January stats: 5 runs, 21 miles

'Motivational Monday

Who or What motivates you?  We are all often times motivated by others and their stories of motivation, so please tell us..... what motivates you to run.

I started running to check something off my bucket list...a marathon...that was all I wanted to and done!  Well a year and a half later I am still running and why?.....The biggest reason is MRTT...I am sooo motivated by all of you for so many different reasons.  I am motivated by the speedy girls, the interval girls, the girls that run for the bling, the girls that run for their health and the girls that run because they have great friends to run along side of them everyday! 

So who or what motivates you?'

February was quickly approaching with a countdown in my head to a race that I have been looking forward to for a long time.  The Dallas Hot Chocolate 15k would be a great distance with a great friend, amazing swag including the hoodie, chocolate, and a medal!  I was very hesitant up to the day of the race being under trained and with knee pain.  All-Star Judith, my race partner, shared with me that I motivated her to start running... little did she know that race day she motivated me!  We had a goldilocks race with great weather; running the whole time except through the water/whiskey stations and maybe a couple hills.  Would this race be what I need to motivate me to get back out there?  I thought so, but my runkeeper app says something else.  February stats: 1 run, 9.52 miles

On a different note I was blessed to attend an amazing gathering of women through our church.  The IF Gathering from Jennie Allen was also the weekend of the Hot Chocolate race.  I loved listening to how God has worked and transformed the women at the conference as well as the personal gathering that I attended.  Wow!  I was convicted of so many things but I know that I'm broken with sin  and with Jesus I'm forgiven.  The prayers and worship are still so fresh in my heart.  Now, IF continued to IF Equip- a women's Bible study online with daily scripture and web chats.

Centennial Church's photo.
Stick with me and hear me out...
Image result for hebrews 4 rest  

We are studying Hebrews, specifically 4:1-13.  We are instructed to rest.  Coincidentally my blog is named "Running Kooky,"  not from my hobby of running but from my life.  I am running through the days and not maturing my faith (Hebrews 5:14).  Wow!  The study has by wheels turning.  My heart is filled with joy that I receive from moments in my life.  Though, I want to grow more in His word.  Is my faith hidden within my "stuff?"  I'm going to keep running and trying to be healthy but I'll probably will not run 672 miles this year (sorry Amanda).  I probably will not schedule myself so many call days next month.  I love being busy and checking off my To Do list items.  Have you ever started a Not To Do list allowing you more time with your loved ones, with our Lord, in his word?

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